Skin Analysis

      Visit us to determine your skin type, conditions, and the best course of action for your skin with the use of our skin analysis technologies.

What is Skin Analysis?

Sometimes referred to as a skin consultation, a skin analysis can help you if you're unsure of what it is or how it can benefit you.

Take into account the fact that 67 percent of women are unsure of the products they are using for their skin. As a result, many of them are using the wrong skin care routine, which may cause damage or premature aging of the skin.

The majority of men and women have never had a thorough skin analysis or consultation. Usually, they make an educated guess, take an online quiz, or ask an aesthetician casually while getting a facial to tell them what their skin type is. It should not be surprising that many people get it wrong.

Only 19% of women and 11% of men actually have sensitive skin, despite the fact that more than 50% of women and 38% of men think they do.

A skin analysis, however, involves much more.

Our trained expert will examine your skin with our skin analysis machine that uses the most up to date technologies to determine your true skin type, evaluate the health of your skin, create a customized skin care routine for you, and suggest the best skin care products.

Visit us to have your skin analyzed in order to get the best skin care products for your skin to look great and keep its glow.

A skin analysis gives you the knowledge you need to improve the appearance of your skin.

A true skin analysis or consultation would not consist of an aesthetician telling you that you have a particular skin type during a facial. The aesthetician is not spending enough time with you to diagnose your skin's health and comprehend the factors that might be affecting your overall health as well as your skin. There is no particular emphasis on taking a closer look at your skin, figuring out what might be affecting it, and creating a skin care routine that is unique to you.

After receiving a facial or other beauty treatment, you are almost always given a basic, generic "skin care plan.". In reality, they are made to promote their line of goods. As people mistakenly believe they have been told to use certain products that have not been carefully screened or properly matched to your skin, these plans frequently cause more harm than good.

Another significant issue is that people are using more and more products from various brands without knowing what the active ingredients are or how to combine them. The industry has not yet fully adapted to the fact that people no longer use skin care products from a single skin care line.

Everyone wants outcomes, and they want them now. This is resulting in an increasing number of skin conditions and even skin damage. To achieve visible results, skin care brands are formulating more and more powerful actives. In order to pack more of a punch, they are also combining different active ingredients. And in an effort to achieve deeper delivery into the skin, they are using new technologies or adding penetration enhancers.

It's important to comprehend, respect, and use active ingredients with care. People are increasingly harming their skin by overusing active ingredients or by using excessively aggressive skin care techniques. It doesn't mean that inflammation isn't happening beneath the surface of your skin or that it won't later cry out for you to slow down just because your skin isn't outwardly displaying signs of irritation. Keep in mind that skin inflammation speeds up aging.

Men, women, and even teenagers can all gain from a skin analysis. It can really help you save a ton of money in addition to assisting you in achieving better skin.

Whether you are worried about acne, aging skin, dehydration, sensitivity, rosacea, pigmentation, or any other skin issue, our trained aesthetician with experience in skin analysis can figure out what is going on with your skin, get you on the right skin care routine, and pair you with products that work well.

At Derma, we have assisted those who had given up trying to treat what they believed to be acne but was actually caused by their skin care products.

Skin examinations vary greatly from one another. At Derma Skin Clinic, we like to go above and beyond even what is necessary. We want you to know what your skin needs and how to take care of it. You now have control of the situation.

Instead of concentrating on the most expensive skin care products, we always search for affordable alternatives that produce results. If the products are difficult to find or are too expensive, no one will continue their skin care regimen.

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