Laser Hair Removal

In case you are tired of temporary, often painful methods of removing unwanted body hair, whether for hygienic or cosmetic reasons. You are welcome. 

How does a laser work to remove hair?

We use a medical grade Laser to deliver intense, highly focused beams of light to the  hair follicles just below the surface of the skin, rendering them permanently ineffective. The medical grade laser  is converted into heat, which in turn damages the hair follicle and prevents hair regrowth. For the treatment to be successful, the hair follicle must be active during the procedure. Not all hair follicles are active at the same time, so several sessions are necessary. With properly planned procedures, 60-90% of unwanted hair can be permanently removed. These procedures do not require anesthesia, and most patients only experience a mild tingling sensation, like a rubber band coming off. If you want to completely remove 100% of unwanted hair. We have several trained technicians who can permanently remove hair from all skin tones, including dark skin types.

It is safe to use laser hair removal on people on any skin type, but it's crucial that they speak with our professionals who have the appropriate laser equipment. Even on delicate areas of the body like the face or the bikini/pubic region, laser hair removal is safe.

The most important thing to do before your first treatment is to stop waxing or plucking 3 weeks before your visit. For best results, be sure to also use sunscreen throughout the procedure to avoid allergic skin reactions.

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