
We have injection treatments that are safe, convenient and quite comfortable. We'll discuss with you personally to decide which is the best option for you.

Botox is a purified protein-based product that is widely used to reduce the look of wrinkles on the face, such as crow's feet, frown lines, forehead furrows, neck bands, nose wrinkles and smoker's lines.

Botox is carefully injected in small amounts into the facial muscles that are around the eyes, forehead and mouth. These injections interrupt nerve impulses, temporarily making the muscles weak so that wrinkles that are caused by frequent facial movements can be reduced. After treatment, the skin will stay smooth and free from wrinkles while still enabling regular facial expressions. This treatment will give your face a revitalized, relaxed and more youthful look. Additionally, Botox can also be used to decrease sweating under the arms.

Botox results are not permanent; they typically last 3-6 months on average, but the exact duration can vary based on dosage, application, patient anatomy, and area treated. The effects of Botox usually become noticeable 4-7 days after the initial treatment. Re-injections may be needed when muscle function returns and as those muscles weaken, sessions can eventually be spaced 5-7 months apart.

Does it Hurt?

A topical numbing cream and a very fine needle are used for the administration of Botox, so the pain associated with the injections is minimal to none; no sedation or local anesthetic is necessary. After your injections, you'll be able to get back to your regular daily activities and even drive. We do ask that you refrain from massaging the treated area and stay upright for four hours after treatment. You may experience some temporary bruising at the injection sites, but there won't be any visible signs of your treatment otherwise. To be safe, it's best to schedule your Botox appointment two weeks before any special event in case you get slight bruising.

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