
Melasma is a condition that causes black patches of skin, usually on the cheeks, forehead, upper lip and chin, as well as the neck and armpits. Melasma is associated with overstimulation of melanocytes, the skin cells that produce pigment in the skin.

Excessive sun exposure and increased hormone levels can overstimulate pigment production, which explains why melasma often occurs during pregnancy or when taking birth control or other hormonal agents. Irritation caused by cosmetics can also cause increased melasma pigmentation. Although most cases of melasma occur in women, it also affects a significant number of men.

Depending on your situation, we can effectively treat melasma with prescription creams, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, photolaser therapy, or a combination of these. Successful management of melasma ultimately requires lifestyle changes. Your melasma can be difficult to treat if you're not prepared to stay out of the sun. Our offices are equipped with everything you need to treat this chronic condition, including sunscreens with the most effective ingredients, prescription ointments, and sun hats. 

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