Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a quick, effective way to renew your skin by removing the damaged outer layers with a chemical solution. Chemical peels can reduce fine lines, eliminate scarring and blemishes, including precancerous growths, and even help with uneven pigmentation like age spots, sunspots, and freckles. They are excellent at treating both recent acne breakouts as well as the dark spots left behind by acne.

Our Selection of Chemical Peels

Salicylic Acid Peel

Derma Skin Clinic uses Salicylic acid which is  a bacterial-fighting anti-inflammatory that treats oily or acne-prone skin and aids in the removal of dark spots and blemishes brought on by acne.

Lactic Peel

A lactic acid chemical peel is a procedure that involves removing the topmost layers of damaged skin from the body in order to improve and smooth the skin's texture. It encourages the development of a fresh, younger-looking layer of skin. The mildest, gentlest chemical peels are made with lactic acid, a type of alpha hydroxy acid that is derived from sour milk. It contains keratolytic AHA, which improves skin texture, smoothers fine lines, acne, and hyperpigmentation (brown spots), and is less irritating and drying. As a result, skin appears smoother, softer, and younger-looking.

Kojic Peel

The main benefit of our kojic acid peel is to reduce the appearance of scars, age spots, and other visible sun damage. The skin may experience an anti-aging effect as a result.
Kojic acid also has skin-lightening effects in addition to some antimicrobial properties. Even at low concentrations, it might be able to combat a number of common bacterial strains. This can aid in the treatment of acne brought on by skin-related bacteria. It might also lighten acne scars that haven't yet faded.

Glycolic Peel

Cellularly speaking, glycolic peels penetrate the dead skin. They aid in clearing the skin's surface of dirt and dead skin to reveal fresher, more radiant skin.

The acid's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties aid in skin renewal. It makes the skin tone more even and youthful. Because the peel opens up pores, it can also be used to get rid of blackheads, mild acne scars, and superficial acne.

Glycolic peels can also be beneficial for removing hyperpigmentation from the skin, such as melasma, sunspots, and black acne scars. Skin looks lighter and more revitalized after a glycolic peel.

The glycolic peel is renowned for its anti-aging benefits. Repeated glycolic peels speed up the skin's production of collagen and elastin, which minimizes pores and minimizes fine lines on the face.

Jessner Peel

To enhance the appearance of your skin, consider a Jessner's peel. A Jessner's peel removes the skin's outermost layer in the same way as other chemical peels. Following the peel, the cells degrade and slough off. The healing process then starts in your body, bringing newer, healthier-looking skin to the surface.

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