
Due to overactive sweat glands, hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that results in excessive perspiration. There are still few effective treatments for the condition, despite the fact that it affects a sizable number of people worldwide. All parts of the body can be affected, but the armpits, palms, and soles of the feet are the most frequently affected. It has no apparent cause.

People typically perspire when it's hot outside, when they're exercising, when they're moving around a lot, or occasionally even in stressful or anxious situations. However, those who have hyperhidrosis are unable to regulate or control their sweating and will perspire regardless of the temperature or surroundings. In the usual situations that cause sweating, those with hyperhidrosis will also produce significantly more sweat than the average person.

How do I treat hyperhidrosis?

Armpit shields and a variety of antiperspirants are just two of the many treatments that many people try in an effort to treat their condition, but these remedies only serve as bandages, not real solutions, since they don't stop sweating at its root. However, our treatments at Derma actually lessen or stop sweat production because they directly target the sweat glands, making them the most efficient ways to treat hyperhidrosis. 

MiraDry and muscle-relaxing injections are two of these treatments.

We are able to provide injections to help reduce sweating in places on the body like the hands, feet, and scalp. This prevents excessive sweat production by blocking the nerve signals that cause sweating. This course of treatment typically lasts between four and twelve months and has an effectiveness rate of about 80%.

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