
Acne is a common skin condition that usually starts in adolescence and can last into adulthood for many people. Adults, particularly women, who don't have a history of the disease, can be affected because it's linked to changes in hormonal levels. It primarily affects the face, upper chest, and back because those areas of skin have the highest concentration of sebaceous hair follicles.

 It can manifest as tiny spots called papules, yellow spots called pustules, large, painful spots called nodules, or comedones, which are black and white heads.

How is it treated?

Numerous factors must be taken into account when choosing the best acne treatment plan for you. Such as;

  • The location of the acne.
  • Treatments you have already tried.
  •  Time the breakouts began.
  • Your age.
  • If you have any scars or dark spots from the acne.
    Even for two patients with the same type of acne, the course of treatment frequently follows these guidelines, though it can vary from patient to patient.

Visit us to today or book an appointment to get the right solution to your acne

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