Acne Scars

When you have acne on the same area of your skin repeatedly, acne scarring develops. Each additional acne lesion results in a permanent scar that resembles a dent or divet, as well as changes to the skin's color and texture due to inflammation and collagen deterioration. The resulting scar can range in depth and size; for instance, rolling scars cover a larger area and have a bumpy, almost wavy texture, whereas icepick scarring resembles a sharp crevice.

How is it treated?

The objective is to increase collagen, enhance skin tone, and reduce acne scars, depending on the type you have. From peels, micro needling, and subcision to remove scar tissue that has caused a dent, to laser skin resurfacing, we can suggest treatments. For the best outcomes when there is deeper scarring, a combination approach is used.

It is preferable to first treat active acne in order to prevent scars and marks in the first place. This entails using the proper acne medication or seeking the advice of a dermatologist for the best course of action. Spots and marks can be controlled by addressing the source of the issue. 
With the right knowledge, you can defeat acne scars and spots. To find out which acne scar treatment is best for you, get in touch with us right away to arrange a consultation.

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